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Based on guidelines and applications for certification, we are obliged to publish the sponsorship amounts of individual companies.
You will find the relevant information below:


 Sponsorship amount in EUR

Akademie der Unfallchirurgie GmbH 2,500
Arthrex GmbH 12,600
Baxter Deutschland GmbH 11,500
Bundeswehr 7,800
CoRRect Medical GmbH 3,570
CSL Behring GmbH 11,650
Dieter Marquardt Medizintechnik GmbH 3,150
Fasciotens GmbH 2,500
Fendel & Keuchen GmbH & Co. KG 3,550
Lasermedizintechnik und Biophotonik, Fraunhofer-Institut für Lasertechnik ILT 4,500
Heraeus Medical GmbH 1,300
Materialise GmbH 1,250
MedSkin Solutions Dr. Suwelack AG 12,640
MedXpert GmbH 3,150
Neo Medical GmbH   5,500
OPED 3,150
P.J. Dahlhausen & Co. GmbH 4,200
Peter Brehm GmbH 7,500
Shantou Institute of Ultrasonic Instruments Co.,Ltd 3,570
SPINEART Deutschland GmbH 2,500
Stryker 21,915
VR SPARX 1,700
Wisepress BV 1,500


The total expenditure amounts to EUR 460,000. 
Around 1,300-1,500 participants are expected. 
The industry revenue will be used to finance the overall event.